My First GFX Design

Thank you so much! :slightly_smiling_face:

I highly appreciate it! Thank you for the feedback! :slight_smile:

Thank you! This was very helpful. :slight_smile:

Damn! Thats so nice! The lighting is perfect, background perfect, everything is perfect.

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Thank you soooo much for this. Really motivating. Thank you! :slight_smile:

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Wow, this is amazing for a first time gfx! The lighting is great, and the posing is really nice too! One but of feedback is that the grass just stops, and it looks a bit weird because of that. I also suggest that a face would be really nice on that character, as it would add more expression to them! It could add a storyline to the gfx, and really make it pop! In the future, you could experiment with props, and more people! Keep up the great work, I can’t wait to see more of your GFXs! :heartpulse:

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Thanks so much! Really appreciate your feedback. :slight_smile: :heart:


Wow that grass is amazing! I love the shading! I have never done gfx but even though i don’t know how hard it is to make something like that it looks shocking how realistic it is. Seems like you spent a lot of time on it!

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For a first time GFX Creation… I really like it!

There are however, some revisions you could do to make it even more realistic. Some of which have been previously said on other comments above such as changing the color of the grass to fit it with the background HDRI, you should also take into consideration the shadows and their direction when the light hits your character so it fits in with the background, helps achieve the realism effect. In conclusion i think this is a very great GFX for a first time! Congrats :slight_smile:

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Thank you! I tried my best, I hope to improve within the GFX skill. :slight_smile:

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Thank you! I really appreciate it. I do really love making realistic GFX’s, this will totally help me with my next! :slight_smile:

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Looks great! You can add a glossy material to your Roblox character so it’ll look even more realistic.

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Oooo, let me try that! Thank you!

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Use the rigging tag rather than animation tag since that’s more of rig than an animation.

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Good Job! I would just look at the contrast between the Realistic Background and Avatar. Other than that, it’s really good!

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Sorry for the late response, I’ve been sorta inactive on here. Thank you!

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