(My first Gfx) need Feed back
Hello I’m currently wondering how do I make this look a bit more realistic or the character look more fit in I added a few highlights to make the light reflected on the player of the world and some shadows how can I make this better and make it seem seamless like the character is actually there
Okay, let’s get to the chase :
- Use blender for better lighting and such
- Don’t just slap a jpeg and a render together
- make it pop with vignette and color correction
That’s it! have a nice day!
Just like @aqzaqz525 said, when making a GFX lighting plays a big role in making the design stand out. When you use blender you can easily manipulate the lighting to your liking. I suggest investing a bit of your time into learning both Blender and Photoshop (or paint.net if you are looking for a free editing software). That way you can really up your game and create some designs that have more depth to it.
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In a sense of realism, you wouldn’t look up at the sky and see that.
But the blending in is good. But use Maya, Blender, etc for renders. They bring more realism in the GFX.