I decided to work on GFX and I wanted to try creating my own and making it nicer by using PhotoPea to change its lighting. Any suggestions as a GFX starter?
Suggestions or any help are greatly supported and help improve my GFX Skills.
Models are in toolbox (I could have created my own but I just wanted to use other used models for my first starter GFX design.)
I don’t recommend taking shortcuts. Blender is easy to use when you get the hang of it, especially if you don’t plan on 3D modelling. If you’re just messing around with lighting you have nothing to worry about. Think of it as roblox studio with different controls.
The image is still pretty dark.
If that is on purpose, the cars in the picture do not have a running engine, indicated by the fact that the car lights are all off. The police has some blue part colour, but there is no lens flare to indicate that it’s an actual light.
I suggest using blender, it’s free and pretty much like Roblox studio so you will get the hang of it right away, you have more control over the light on blender too.
Also most Roblox graphic designers use free models from toolbox so it’s all good lol
Do you plan on becoming a GFX creator? If so, I recommend Blender.
Now for some criticism.
It lacks movement. I feel like you are trying to show that the cars are moving and the cones are being thrown around, but i don’t feel it.
To create movement, you can first increase the Field of View.
The background is empty.
To fix that, add a wall of terrain behind and add trees to hide the sky behind it.
lack of Lighting
To fix this, add light to the headlights
There is a lack of depth.
Add a blur to the background to emphasize on the Cars.
lack of details
Add particles.
Sorry for sounding kind of harsh. I know it’s your first time. I look forward to your next GFX after reading my tips.
I don’t know if a screenshot in Studio can be considered a GFX.
In addition to what @hellohennessy said, the camera and object positions are not very intriguing. You’ll usually want to angle the camera at something that emphasizes the main objects more, and since it (kinda) looks like a race, why not put two of them in the foreground as if they were (actually) racing?
This GFX looks good if it’s your first one ever! It’s a bit too dark though, make it a bit brighter if you can (unless it’s supposed to be night). Otherwise, nice job on it!