My first GFX that i made it in Blender!

okkidokkiyourcodeismonki-removebg-preview okkidokkiyourcodeismonki-removebg-preview1

Hello, these GFX are my first GFX. I think it is cool. Quality is a bit low I am gonna find a way to make it more quality :slight_smile:

I hope you like it :slight_smile:

Note: Please ignore names of images and I would be happy if someone told me how to post on “What are you working on currently?” topic.


The image looks very nice but the text seems… a bit off like its streched out or something and its also touching the person so maybe change the font to something a bit less plain :slight_smile: good luck

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This looks really nice especially how you made it on your first time! Keep up the good work!

I see you have been watching youtube videos, Incredible creation!

Hey, can you tell me how can i post this on “what are you working on currently” topic?

Very good! I think the text’s orientation is pretty good. The only problem, is that the sword is a bit too thin.

angle isnt that good, so it looks thin.