Try to use shader maps if u want to use free and make materials and use it in blender might improve ur head quality. Paid alternative abode substance
Not very good posing, nothing is happening here. Why is the resolution so bad? Maybe use a different color of background to make the character pop out more like a complimentary color. Make the background blue and make it less blury.
Any idea how to make the quality and resolution better?
Is it the resolution you are exporting it in? Or maybe exporting it out of photopea, just make sure to check it over.
If your talking about the head, I can’t change that because of its texture resolution. How am I supposed change the exporting resolution anyway. I get a character from roblox studio, put it into blender and do all the posing and lighting. Then I render the image and put it into photopea.
This is nice! very useful thanks for sharing!
When you export there should be a resolution option and quality option, I wasn’t talking about the head anyways. I have never used photopea before but if there’s a cropping option, you can change resolution there probably.
Sunrays, pretty sure you already found out