My first go at making a proper logo

Honest opinion on my first proper logo (inspired by GFX Comet):


That looks, awesome man! Keep it up :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much, I appreciate it! :slightly_smiling_face:

It looks pretty good however I would curve the words a little more since in my personal opinion, they look too straight. Keep up the good work and good luck on future logos!

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Yeah, youā€™re right, I shouldā€™ve curved them a slight bit more, Iā€™ll keep that in mind and thank you for the feedback! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Really good but Iā€™d add a more interesting background.

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You mean the background for the logo or the actual background? If you mean the logoā€™s background, Iā€™d have to learn more of the tools in photoshop to create more advanced icons but Iā€™m definitely going to try. I appreciate the feedback too :+1:

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This looks really good! If I saw this logo on a game, I would definitely click on it.

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Oh wow, thank you so much, that really means a lot! :slightly_smiling_face:

Nice work :grinning:, when i tried to make my first logo it was :poop: so keep it up! :innocent:

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Donā€™t give up! If I made this without having any inspo / tricks I learnt from youtube then I wouldnā€™t have made this. Thank you for the feedback too and good luck with your logoā€™s!

It looks really good! (better than i could lol) But I see that thereā€™s some sort of background of the word ā€œSimulatorā€ You should also add that background to the word ā€œCatalogā€

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Thank you for the feedback! If you mean the stripes on the word, ā€˜Simulatorā€™, I thought having that on the word, ā€˜Catalogā€™ as well would make it look unvaried and dull. I appreciate the suggestion though :+1:

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Np! I hope this helped. (you should continue making some) :slight_smile:

Honestlyā€¦ this is better than I can do.

But still I gonna give advise. You went a bit lazy on the money. Its just flipped. I would make that differenr. Maybe one side 3 money and other side 2 money. Makes it more intresting imo.

But I would rate 9/10

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Thank you for the honest feedback. I know what you mean, however, at the same time something like 3 notes on one side and 2 on the other makes it looks uneven and edgy. Iā€™ll try and improve my texturing skills to vary the icons I use.