So I attempted to make a house for the first time and ngl I think it turned out pretty good, what do you think?
Took me about an hour and a half I didn’t really pay attention to the time.
Feedback is appreciated!
This is awesome! Great job with your general design, however, I can see a couple of changes to help boost your build!
Overall your colour pallet is nice, and from what I see the house is overall nicely sized. However, I suggest you make more of a contrast between the body of the house and the roof(s). Making the colour of the roof different from the body of the house can help it looks a lot more finished and planned out. Changing the material of the roof to something like WoodPlanks can help distinguish the roof from the building too. I would suggest you have reference photos pulled up on google while building something like a house, it can help you add details otherwise missed or overlooked, and overall give your building a realistic/understandable design!
I also see that some of your parts may not be aligned properly/sticking out. This is especially noticeable in the first picture (on the top right!). Unless intended, I suggest you use a plugin like Stravant’s Resizealign to help align your parts and keep everything looking uniform!
Overall, great build. I think you may lack the confidence to play with your builds (mess with the materials and colours! Have fun with it!) but remember that you’ll only get better at building through practice and experience. Either way, great house build! I look forwards to possibly seeing new builds from you in the upcoming future!
It’s not bad for a first house attempt, but I’d give it more detail, such as variety of material types, this can vary depending on what sort of style your going for this, maybe include some house siding - wood planks to give the appearance a more defining look.
I would try using different materials - textures instead of repeating parts of the repetitive design decrease some of the wood material on the build, add a window or to with a back porch sliding glass door some small windows next to the kitchen depending if your adding a interior. Adding additional details would improve the structure of it was this build through your own imagination or with a reference image?
Just a note every material, shouldn’t be the same color as the house try going for a different material or even color and see which ones suits your liking.
”If your going for a wooden house reference images can come in handy for either finding details to improve the structure and design examples”
I would adding more stuff such as adding plants and flowers stuff around the house, how about a pathway to the door, some good lighting and background scenery