So, I wanted to program it where if i clicked on the part it’d turn green and print hello in f9 (dev console)
and I did it! I programmed the second line myself and referred to some tutorials for the other lines.
local clickDetector = workspace.Part.ClickDetector
function onMouseClick ()
workspace.Part.BrickColor = BrickColor.Green()
I think I did it well for my first time programming
This is a pretty good start however, I’d thought I’d give you useful advice. Instead of .BrickColor, you can always decide on using workspace.Part.Color = Color3.fromRGB(v1,v2,v3) This will allow you to be using RGB instead of predetermined colors. You can also use other Color3 functions if you feel like it. Also, I wouldn’t recommend using :connect as it is depreciated. Try getting in the rhythm of using :Connect as this is the better alternative. Overall, great job for your first time programming and I would recommend using the Roblox Developer Hub to further improve your scripting. Now try using if statements!
I’m going to change the script so it turns red 2 seconds after clicking it by using wait() and change the :connect to :Connect, i’ll also use RGB because I wanna test that out!
Taking things slowly is what will always lead to greatness. I remember fiddling with so many free models and Roblox gears while learning and I still barely feel like I don’t know much. Took me a few years to understand the syntax and layout and a few more to feel like I’ve grasped it; granted, I was barely 8 when I first began learning and my attention span was that of a goldfish.
Experiment with different code layouts and create your own style, that’s all i can say.
Good luck!
I attempted to do that, and keep getting errors and the script not working at all.
local clickDetector = workspace.Part.ClickDetector
function onMouseClick ()
workspace.Part.Color = Color3.fromRGB(12,99,12)
while workspace.Part.Color do Color3.fromRGB(99,0,0)
print("Making it Red!")
The while workspace.Part.Color do is causing the error, instead you need to set the color to 12,99,12, wait two seconds, then set the color to red. I suggest you try to write pseudocode to understand what you’re trying to write better.
When ClickDetector Pressed:
Set Color To 12,99,12
Print Hello
Print Making It Red
Wait Two Seconds
Set Color To 99,0,0