What do you think of my first First low-ploy tree.
The leaves should be varied in size and colour, but overall, I think your low ploy tree is very good for a first.
The leaves are a little too large and they should also have variance. It shouldn’t just be spheres. Use the sculpt tool to pull some of the vertices around and make more unique shapes.
In addition, you should make the wood of your low ploy tree a bit darker or lighter, and add creases to where the low ploy leaves intersect.
I think it’s pretty good for a first, but:
If you’re using blender, try out adding a “Decimate” modifier. Along with this, scale them differently in their X,Y,Z rather than keeping them all proportional; and rotate them to add variation.
Happy New Year
I agree, to achieve that low ploy look you want for your low ploy tree, you need to make your triangular faces insymmetrical to one another so it looks more cartoonish.
The leaves are too big, compared to the base of the tree. Overall this is cool just size down the leaf size and then it would better.
For your first low poly tree its very good.
Only thing I can add is have different sized leaves.
Also maybe make it so more leave come out that way instead of being in a straight line.
Thanks for the feedback.