I’ve made a couple simple things in blender previously, but I decided to make a building. I also UV mapped it for the first time. I would love to hear your thoughts!
(The yellow window insides were made in roblox studio not blender)
I’ve made a couple simple things in blender previously, but I decided to make a building. I also UV mapped it for the first time. I would love to hear your thoughts!
(The yellow window insides were made in roblox studio not blender)
windows look wonky I would recommend fixing that and the entry way into it as it looks uneven.
I think you did excellent, I never knew you could do stuff like that on Blender.
It looks extremely cool, well done!
Nice! But I don’t liked the door for some reasons. It’s like curved and I don’t love that effect, anyways don’t take that to remove it, it’s good anyways!
This looks really nice, keep up the good work.
Windows, in my opinion, are pretty bright, but the building overall is really good!
Love it.
It looks like a story-type house, It looks amazing!