Hi i made this game and im not sure if i should change some things or i should add anything?
game link:
the icon and other images are temporary.
Feedback is appreciated
Hi i made this game and im not sure if i should change some things or i should add anything?
game link:
the icon and other images are temporary.
Feedback is appreciated
I beat it. That was interesting haha. I’d say make it longer but add a checkpoint or two.
A good way to improve obbies in general in my opinion is by adding interesting things to it like a story or scenery like mountains to climb, houses to go through, etc.
If you want this to become really good I suggest thinking about these things, not sure where you want to go with this project but it’s just ideas I’m giving.
Do as you please!
Ok good idea, I will think about it! I was thinking of adding some more stages and scenery.
Nice obby! I can tell that you took inspiration from TheDevKing. Maybe add some music?
Yes that was the inspiration . Adding music would be a good idea. I will put another message when I update the game.
Pretty good for your first obby. I suggest adding checkpoints and some more stages. If you add checkpoints, I also suggest adding a troll checkpoint that is actually a killbrick.
I would recommend you adding music and more details to the game. But other than that, Great job.
Lol the game is cool if you play THE TROLL OBBY by chocolate flame it will be more troll but your game is amazing keep it up my dude
Nice obby, it certainly was quite a challenge and I had fun beating it!
These are all great ideas I will think about adding a troll checkpoint though
I have added scenery and a troll checkpoint plus a surprise at the end
Still working on more stages though.
I like the whole black and white thing, though I’d change the lighting to match.
It could be longer, and also maybe advance the levels lol they were pretty easy.
Also, nothing in the game really screamed “troll” to me, but its in the title.
Great first obby keep it up
Nice for your first obby, but its a bit broken, and you still have to learn about building and scrpting. Also I would Make checkpoints smaller or direcly put them invisible. For yor first obby looks sick
I have been working on some stage’s for a while so that’s why there has been no updates
The obby is interesting! Although I found a few flaws. In the level where you have to go across an invisible path, I found a bypass to this. You just had to go to settings and click on click to move to get past the obby. And I found another problem, respawning takes up a lot of time. So I would lower the amount of time it takes to respawn by using teleports instead of kill bricks. But all and all, I love this game. It trolls you into thinking that you’re gonna expect an event to happen, but another event occurs out of nowhere! I’m gonna give it a like, it’s funny.
Finally got some 3 more stages done and updated the game