My First Realistic Tree

Hi! So I modeled this semi realistic tree with the help from a tutorial I found in YouTube and I’d like some feedback, although I am very proud of how it turned out, I still feel that there is still room for improvement.

Here’s the model:


Your tree is very realistic, very beautiful, but, well, you could add more leaves, but it depends on the tree you were inspired by.


I agree, it definitely needs more leaves


The only thing that I would recommend is for you to add more branches.


Yes, I think that might be why the leaves aren’t that many because I used the particles tool in Blender for the leaves


This looks great so far. It could do with some lighting adjustments however as the shadowing makes it rather dark and difficult to admire it


Thanks for suggestion, I realized that’s why it’s very dark in the image

It looks like pretty decent consider playing around with the lighting to achieve a more realistic effect, there’s a few things that you could possibly improve, however for a first attempt it’s a nice piece of art.

Since you’re going for a realistic approach these types of trees tend to feature a more bark texture I don’t know what texture you implemented on your tree, but it looks a little out of place it sorted looks like a green bark texture I don’t know if that’s because of the lighting that’s making that effect happen but going for a bark texture could possibly improve it.

I’d say is making the trunk look more straight looking or have a more better base it kinda has that cartoony look to it, however I don’t see a lot of realistic trees have that type of base. I think just making the tree taller and have a few parts connected roots in the floor area and then having the base, extend to the ground would improve that something in the image below could give you an idea on what I’m talking about.

Maybe when you plan on making other types of trees make them have different branch sizes such as angles, or other height so they don’t look repetitive maybe throw some little branches on the tree. However it’s really all up to you, best of luck.


Thanks for this! The bark texture was a free image linked by the Youtuber who posted the tutorial, I was in a hurry back then, but next time when I make a tree, I’ll spend more time on the branches and experiment on the trunk size and shapes to make it realistic.

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Also, I feel like the trunk would’ve looked better if I applied a Shade Smooth to smoothen up the sharp edges

Bit dark. Agree with what everyone else is saying. Great tree though!

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I think its a great tree but maybe add more leaves and branches ( because there is some floating leaves ) and make it brighter like everyone is saying. Also the trunk looks a little sharp for a tree so maybe smoth it out. But it still looks great for your first time.

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Cool, realistic, and great. Keep up the good work!

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G’day, beautiful creation

I would suggest adding more decoration, leaves for example, and sticks coming our from the trunk. I would also suggest smoothing out the trunk.
I have circled the areas where I think more leaves should be.

Hope this helped!
Happy Developing!

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Thanks for the feedback guys, appreciate it, I’ll definitely make a better tree because of your observations and suggestions!