My First Showcase

Hi, I just finish making my first showcase, you can play the game in here

Please tell me your opinion about this game, Thank you for playing it have nice days


Oh my god you got 1 dislike ;-;


It has some nice touch but I think you could’ve made the water a little bit transparent to suit the vibe and lighting your game has. Overall nice job!

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Looks pretty nice but the forest looks… empty? I’d suggest adding falling leave particles because it could suit the vibe of this game quite well :slight_smile:


it’s nice but i don’t like those decals that people use for trees


The overall design is nice I like the nature theme your going for if i’m not mistaken, try to make the path more smoother at the moment theirs little hills in the path, but once again, a little detail couldn’t hurt. You could add some more detail to the floor, maybe some cool designs of dirt paths, add nature to the empty spots; rocks, flowers, tree, bushes, and more etc.

Would also work to make it look better, and have a realistic feel just to add a bit of realism to it you could also add a hut or a shack placed somewhere on the map to give it more detail instead of having the map placed with a bunch of trees.

It’s a great start my only issue is there’s not much attention to the showcase. The land Is quite empty and doesn’t have that much detail added to it, I’d would suggest adding more vegetation decorations or expand the terrain so players could explore.


Thank you for all feedback, I will try to improve with it later

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He has 2 now from me : ) cause he needs to work on it a lot and I saw SO much flaws in the game.

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I won’t add on to what anyone else have said but uploading higher res textures for rockes would be :ok_hand:

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I really love this, nice job! How long has this taken you?

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This is a pretty good map, it looks really good. I only have some minor critiques. The background scene is pretty nice too I’ll have to look into doing that for my own games.

  1. I fell off the edge of the map a few times, the first time I was trying to jump down into what looked like water.

  2. It was too quiet. Maybe add in some ambient forest noises.

  3. As others have said a bit empty feeling too. A few bird NPCs randomly flying about might be a cool touch. Maybe a critter or two. Some random items here or there sparsely, stuff you might happen upon when you are going through the woods, depending on what your aiming for.

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i start build it at 6pm and finish around 7am

it looks great but one thing is that you should make it first person because the blocky roblox charecter kinda takes away from the seanery. But it looks great.

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I think this is quite good for your first showcase. Something that you can add will be some calming music, it will definitely go with the calming vibe. Roblox has an audio library where you can get some good music, I think you should be able to find suitable music. That’s all.

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Hey guys, I just have little information to tell you,

The game has been updated, not really big update but you better check it out, Also thank to my friend @asyrafaimanadib for helping me on this thing, he provides me with the house

And again, thank for those play the game before and give some feedback out about it, I really appreciate it

Amazing, but you should change the water transparency.

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Can you help me little bit with the settings? I already try it and still

There’s a tutorial on adding realism on YouTube. I would recommend that.

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Well it seems like you placed. A building in the area which is nice are there gonna be more objects around the terrain instead of trees?

The showcase seems to be coming together maybe consider placing some variety of trees instead of copying the same design or bushes throughout the island to create a nice feel to it however I do got a few recommendations.

You could add some more detail to the floor, maybe some dirt paths, add more nature to fill up the empty spaces: small rocks, flowers, mushrooms, leafs, branches etc. Would also add a nice addition to make the scene pop more or give it a more realistic, look you could also add some railing on the bridge so it doesn’t look like a plain walkway.

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Yes, I’m gonna add that on future but right now I’m quit busy with my another project, If there any update I will inform it in here and also thank for playing and giv some feedback :wink:

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