My first simulator!

I have just made my first simulator!

feedback, if any, will be greatly appreciated!


Looks pretty good, if I would suggest something that is to add a AspectRatioConstraint onto the buttons on the side


People are likely gonna use auto-clickers, you could add something so that if the player holds left mouse, each X time it attacks again. Not necessary at all, just an idea.

It would also be funnier if when attacking the noob NPC they told you not to do so or something like that.

The coin crystal can be abused, literally a coin grinder, why grinding materials when the coin crystal can give you coins easier and faster. Add a cooldown or something to it.

Couldn’t find much else, but I’m sure there may be more stuff to do, anyways, good job and good luck!

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Honestly, the game should have been worked more on since the GUI is out of position and the scale of the player compared to the map I think you should work more on the GUI and the size of parts but for a first simulator It’s good but you should work more on it!

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please dont let us break if the wood and trash is full
please have an option to get the full number

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please turn on the resett button

now i need to leave

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thank you all for the feedback!