My first sprite of myself! (not so great)

Hey guys so I really need your feedback on this, I had made my first sprite of myself and I need your HONEST rating on a scale of 1/10.

I use to make my stuff so I need you to help me by linking some tutorials I could watch to get better please. :pray:t5:


That actually looks pretty cool, but if itโ€™s not related to roblox, then you should keep it out from devforum.

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For your first attempt it looks pretty good but it has a few problems: it uses pillow shading, which most of the time doesnโ€™t look great (although in some cases it can be intentional), so maybe try a different method of shading. Also the shirt is a bit hard to make out, as itโ€™s kinda overlayed by the arms, so i recommend you try and define the shirt a bit more (also add a bit more detail to it). My honest rating is probably 4/10, but that could easily go up after a few alterations.

pillow shading example

As for some tutorials i found this one pretty helpful as it goes over a lot of stuff: The Ultimate Pixel Art Tutorial - YouTube

Good job!

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oh its related to roblox alright :smirk:

Thank you so much, this will really help me improve! :smiley:

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