My first successful 3D Model Shotgun feedback!

Hello everyone!
Today i just made my first successful low poly shotgun 3D model (Ithaca M37) and im quite happy with the results. I was wondering if i could make a topic about it and if theres any feedback, what can i improve? I know, I could have textured it with materials but since my blender knowledge isn’t that big, texture looks messy with seams, i decided to color it instead.

ithaca model 37 shotgun2


It looks very good for the beginning, in time you will improve. I wish you luck . :muscle:

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Congratulations on your first completed model! It looks good enough for a low poly build. Good luck with future builds!

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Thanks, not my first completed model, but my first successful weapon. Either way, thanks once again!

It looks very good, I like the simple design! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Very cool! I find it very pretty for a first model! I’ll just give you a few details you can improve:

  • Why not add a little detail on the ribs just before the barrel.
  • Round off the edges at the level of the wood.

That’s all for me and still really well done!

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This is a pretty well made first model, to improve I would recommend learning beveling in blender to help improve edges on the shotgun other than that it is not bad.


That is really nice for a beginner model! I especially like the way you modelled the trigger and put holes in the shotgun barrel.
If you want, you can try beveling the edges of the stock and “the part where the trigger is” (I don’t really know the name) to make it look a bit more natural.

Great work with the points and details on the pump and the barrel, though.