My first tank in roblox studio

This is my first tank, why did I place it here?I wanted to ask if I should continue making tanks?


I suggest you remove the Swastika symbol


Agreed, it makes it look like a German World War Two tank, regardless of what the symbol means in other countries.


I don’t think so,although I’m a bit ashamed to make a tank for the Nazis,I didn’t know what to add a sign.

I said that because you could get moderated

“Clothing featuring red armbands are not permitted on Roblox.”

  • Due to the use of red armbands by the Nazis during the World Wars, Roblox does not allow the use of red armbands or any type of resemblance.
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so I hope it will be better?


What? Is says clothing, not assets. Please explain more, since I’m confused.

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Really nice tank, keep it up! Do detailed, amazing work! :slightly_smiling_face:

Damnn that’s your first tank build? It looks like you have the experience that made 5 tank build

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I suggest you change this photo with the original, replace the original with this because I did not notice the swastika but I suggest you do that.

I think it’s better to change Swastika on Iron Cross

Yes, I agree with you,that’s why I did it

You probably shouldn’t take any chances with roblox moderation.

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Honestly it’s pretty nice, no reason to feel ashamed for modelling a German WW2 tank, however roblox moderation hates the swastika symbol and will delete models and images containing it, and as a developer you should avoid it if only because of that, even beyond ideological reasons, of which there aren’t really many, plenty of history books and documentaries contain swastikas.

The tank is amazing. But I have to request you to take the swastika symbol off…It is a Hindu religious symbol and I’m pretty sure if Indians saw it on a war tank, they would be offended and angry…