My first Terrain GFX!

Hey I hope everyone is doing good today! So I’m currently working on more realistic GFXs and I need all the help I can get to reach my dream. It took me and while to understand how the terrain and lighting works but I got it down! Also if you have any suggestions on special effect places please tell me :grin: have a wonderful day!

Edit - (Had to add something sorry :grin:)


That’s pretty good! Keep up the good work!

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Thank you so much for the reply! I really do appreciate it.

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For a first attempt at a realistic approach what I’m assuming the design you’ve made looks good, but the background is quite odd and not interesting little bland looking the lighting is well made like the realistic feature you wanting if you want to spice it up a bit to include more characters in the background playing around socializing with each other or just hanging out on the terrain flooring.

The way the player is standing mainly focusing on the background looks weird? Is this a snow terrain your going for if so i would perhaps place objects around grass picking out, logs, flowers, trees, clouds ect.

Try changing up the posing both of the characters kind of have very identical poses? The pose seems very basic and bland, maybe have one turned around wanting to fight - attack him or have him doing a different run pose because it features similar poses changing them up a bit could go a long way. Otherwise, it’s a decent graphic I’ll give you that.

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Thanks for the reply! I’ll take those tips into my next GFX.

That’s awesome keep up the great work!!!

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Thank you so much, for the reply!