My first tower obby. Quite hard

I got quite interested in really hard obbys/towers recently and decided to make my own. Im not so good at scripting so its literally just a tower. Can anyone please playtest it and give some feedback?
[N-33 - Roblox]

(Spoiler Alert For Ending: The ending is anticlimatic. And pretty boring…)


I couldn’t beat the first level… even with my parkour skills :skull:

I would say you should make the first few levels easy, and then go up from there.
Otherwise it’s good.


I haven’t played it yet, but it just seems to be normal parkour. Why would I play this over jukes towers of hell?

I recommend adding some unique mechanics. So if people want those mechanics. They are only in your game.


I’m not really good at scripting (literally have no idea what I’m doing) so can you maybe give me some ideas? Sorry :smile:

Wall running, double jump, Diving, Mario physics, enemies, swinging, climbing.

Try looking at games like: super Mario 3D world or astro bot for ideas.


oh wow that seems crazy to make. I think i can manage double jumping. Idk about the others tho,
Like i said i have no idea how to script

Then learn. If you sit in your comfort zone you will get no where In life.


how and where can I learn to script, if you dont mind me asking. :smile:

Online tutorials, also the toolbox helps a ton (I mean like using models and trying to rescript it.)

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wow bro people will just ragequit in the first level, chill out with the difficulty atleast on the start. It’s already hard on pc, mobile players will have 0 chance

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Ok, This definitely needs a balance, I understand you’re trying to make a hard obby I guess but seriously wallhops doesn’t make it better it’s a bad way to increase difficulty and will end with many players hating it, I would recommend that you take some easy tiered obbies as references or otherwise from jtoh, you could play with the shapes and rotation to give it more variety, also this was my PB lol


I literally just read the documentation. It was actually quite interesting.

Link 1 - straight up documentation
Link 2 - tutorials

Read the tutorials first.

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