My First UI Creation Ever!

Hello! First post in quite a while. This time I’ve decided to create some user interface panels for my own game as they don’t hold up to the standards of today. So I went for a jab and experimented with this area of design for the first time. I went for a simplistic stats viewer, a style held in high regard by many. It went pretty well, but this is nowhere near where I want to be. Textures and all that will be saved for later.

As always, feedback is always appreciated! Even critical!


As your first UI design, I’d say it’d be an exact 10/10. This design is very neat for a simple beginner. Even simulator games do not have such kind of UI. The only thing that bothers me is the background filled with “weeka_weeka”


Don’t lie, it can’t be your first UI. Wow amazing work ∞/0!

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His username is @a_week so it’s almost “weeka”. I think that’s because of this but am not sure at all.

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It looks really good! Only thing are the brackets around T at the top that aren’t centred which is kind of annoying.

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I do like the simplicity of this UI, the sizing, positions and colours used are great for a first design.

This might just be a font issue, several fonts do this, but I don’t think it affects square brackets.


Nice, but why is there

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I re-looked and I understand now! It’s his username (@a_week ) copy pasted a few time, so it do a_weeka_weeka_weeka_weeka_week, exactly like in the background!

@Rekotora3349 read my posts:

And finally I understood:

You understand now?

And you made a mistake in your post, there isn’t “wekka_wekka_wekka_wekka_wekka_wekka”, but there is “a_weeka_weeka_weeka_weeka_weeka_week”.