Hi im tunnells A terrain artist/3D Modeler. Im trying to get into Ui design these are 2 UI’s i made with adobe Photoshop If you would like me to make you one you can contact me at Tunnells#2098 at a low low Price I didnt add text because im still learning how to make fonts
Yeah, I’m also learning how to use it, considering my flim teacher provided me with adobe premiere, but also provided me with the whole set(including adobe photoshop so I have no idea why).
For your first time, It looks pretty nice. However, the colored buttons is disproportioned compared to the ui itself.
Other than that, I can safely say it looks pretty nice!
I like the top one, but the bottom one could do without the black. The first is simple and colorful, kids love that stuff. The second looks like It’s from Infinity RPG in the olden days. But you still did a great job on these both and I have nothing else to say
I really like it, But maybe add some black outlines for your first image. The colors are a little bit too bright for me if you look at the background.
Nice first ui
some things I’d recommend that you learn to improve you UI’s are
- Use patterns/textures! whether it’s just adding a gradient, to adding stripes or even a cool background pic, patterns are a great way to elevate a flat looking UI to something that can really pop out
- left click twice on your layer to bring up the layer style tab. you’ll see a bunch of options, I mainly use the inner glow, outer glow, stroke and drop shadow, but there are many other useful things in there, play around with the settings and everything
- fonts! If you don’t like any of the fonts that come with photoshop, import some there are many tutorials out there which can teach you how to import fonts into photoshop. You can also add textures and gradients to fonts and you can outline fonts with stroke under the layer style window
- once you get into the hang of photoshop and feel a bit more confident using it, you can go to filter and play around with it to create more complex patterns and things. I like to use liquify, blur and distort,
ok this is getting a bit long but here’s a few more tips on UI design in general
before going into photoshop, have a clear design style in mind, know what you want to make and the colour palette, it makes it so much easier when you have a clear vision of what you want. Pick an aesthetic and base your whole UI off it. Try not to use too many bright colours as it can be overwhelming to look at. Hand drawn graphics are probably something that you might want to get into as you make more advanced UI’s
if you need any help with photoshop feel free to contact me on discord at langodan1#0511:)
good luck!
I will contact you thank you so much
Also your discord is wrong:/
Could you put the right one