Yesterday I made a script that allow players to have differents FootStep sounds when walking, the script was working without problem.
The Script :
local soundtable = {
[“Grass”] = “rbxassetid://833564767”;
[“Concrete”] = “rbxassetid://833564121”;
[“Plastic”] = “rbxassetid://379483672”;
[“SmoothPlastic”] = “rbxassetid://379483672”;
[“Fabric”] = “rbxassetid://133705377”;
[“Glass”] = “rbxassetid://379483672”;
[“Neon”] = “rbxassetid://379483672”;
[“Metal”] = “rbxassetid://379483672”;
[“Air”] = “”;
[“Wood”] = “”;
[“WoodPlanks”] = “”;
[“Slate”] = “”;
[“CorrodedMetal”] = “”;
[“DiamondPlate”] = “rbxassetid://3477114901”;
[“Foil”] = “”;
[“Ice”] = “”;
[“Brick”] = “”;
[“Sand”] = “”;
[“Granite”] = “”;
[“Marble”] = “”;
[“Pebble”] = “”;
[“Cobblestone”] = “”;
[“ForceField”] = “”
delay(0, function()
while wait() do
local char = script.Parent
local sound = char.Head.Running
sound.SoundId = soundtable[char.Humanoid.FloorMaterial.Name]
sound.Volume = .2
sound.PlaybackSpeed = math.random(10,12)/10
But today, the script stopped working, showing this in output :
I looked as server inside the player to find where was located the “Running” sound but I couldn’t find it even if I still hear it…
Does anyone know how to detect the “Running” sound with global script?