How can I make the frame fullscreen?
Change the Size property to 1, 0, 1, 0?
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What’s at the top is called the Topbar. To disable it use the following code locally:
local starterGui = game:GetService('StarterGui')
starterGui:SetCore("TopbarEnabled", false)
That won’t affect the Topbar.
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You could disable the topbar too but thats not what he wanted, he wanted the Frame to be fullscreen.
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Simply you could just simply enable IgnoreGuiInset (This will make everything in the screen gui ignore the top bar)
Thanks for the help!!This was the solution
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He* didn’t specify he wanted it closed, so I just explained what’s wrong and a simple way to fix it, I remember having that problem myself and not even realising it was due to the Topbar.
How have I never noticed this? Nice one