My friend can’t edit on studio due to team create error. How to fix?

  1. What do you want to achieve? Access to studio and team create on roblox.

  2. What is the issue? Can only edit on default baseplate. My friend says:

Ive tried everything, literally everthing but nothing works… The error message is: “We could not join the Team Create session for place [14543946430]. Studio.TeamCreate.ConnectionFailure.Unknown”
Ive honestly tried everything, even contacting roblox support but whenever i try, even doing the 20 min long captchas it never lets me send, saying “error, try again later”. Im genuinly so distraught and i dont know what to do, i dont want all my progress and work to just be gone becuase of a random bug…


Video of bug: bandicam 2023-08-25 17-48-17-342

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? From friend: also can you mention that ive already tried: ressetting my wifi, reinstalling roblox, deleting temp files

has he tried restarting his computer? Sometimes thats the problem


Yeah he has however it still didnt work, other people have faced similar issues but had their issues solved by easier methods, however none seem to work for him.


Still un solved btw :frowning: help still needed


Honestly I kinda just wait for a bit but here’s what I’m thinking:

  • Restart Studio
  • Restart PC
  • Update Studio
  • Run as Administrator
  • Check your WiFi(?)
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Those are literally in the solutions he tried…read post please

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I searched for your game, and it said “This experience is unavailable because its starting place is unpublished. Publish the starting place to make it available.”
Could you maybe try to publish the starting place? But I don’t really think that it will solve the problem.

Maybe inappropriate content to invite your friend?

Apparently he never actually restarted his pc. So sorry bout my reply. Thanks so much.

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