My game and Roblox ToS

Reference: Roblox Community Standards (specifically rule #15)

Hey there,

I’m currently working on a thriller experience that I hope to have finished up by the time school is out this summer. The game is, at its heart, a thriller experience. I don’t intend to have any gore or blood whatsoever in the game, but I’ve been wondering if it would break some of the Roblox Community Standards, specifically rule number 15. Rule number 15 states:

Roblox prohibits content that recreates specific real-world tragic events; mocks the victims of such events; supports, glorifies, or promotes the perpetrators; or capitalizes on these events for commercial purposes. Real world tragic events include:

  • Mass shootings and domestic terrorism
  • Specific, real world, natural disaster events
  • Human or civil rights violations

The basic concept of my game revolves around multiple players being alone in a house at night when they are attacked by an unknown (but humanoid) entity. The entity will repeatedly tell players to open the door, as well as attack and scare players.

My goal is not for this game to be a ridiculously horrific game, but one where players can have fun with their friends. However, I was wondering if this would be pushing the Roblox Community Standards given that, sadly, many children have been threatened, before having their homes broken into and consequently harmed. My game is not recreating a specific event, but it will have those themes (threatening, breaking into houses occupied solely by children) play out.

I will not be glorifying/ promoting the events. I don’t know how much of a problem this is, but I just wanted to make sure that my game is in good standing with the ToS.

Thanks for any help :slight_smile:.

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It shouldn’t be an issue, as it isn’t a mass shooting or domestic terrorism incident, nor based off of a specific in real-life event. As there’s no gore, I doubt it will be flagged.

There’s plenty of horror/thriller games similar to what you are describing. If you are worried about younger audiences playing, then advise that under 13’s should not play and target advertising to older users.


Why does your game specifically make the players children? It’s not a cause for concern if the players’ ages were not specified.

Sounds like an “at 3 AM” video in videogame format, nothing harmful about that.
You can always run with it and see what the dominant age-range is for your game, and if it’s overwhelmingly on the youngest-side you can tweak how scary the game gets.

It doesn’t, but there a large probability that at least one child will play it.

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