My game environment

This is my first environment build:

robloxapp-20210316-2226574.wmv (5.8 MB)
I would like to know what you think and give me tips to improve

  1. I used 100% free models and am looking for feedback from the building environment, as my model resources are limited while.
  2. I also want you to take enlightenment into account
  3. Now that I saw the poor video quality. Tomorrow I’ll change for a better

I think there’s too many different tree types. Roblox actually made a Forest Pack, you should check it out and add some lighting aswell.


Not everyone has windows, so convert it to MP4.


I do not recommend downloading his wmv link.
A few moments after installing it to check out the my computer froze up and rebooted. There was a suspicious file on my computer called AnonymizerLauncher was installed. Do not trust files from this user if they are not MP4 format as I do believe this persons files are infected with malicious content.

I’m not saying this user is bad I’m just saying if you did download the WMV file check your task manager for any suspicious files being ran in the background.


Sorry if I caused any problems but as you can see by clicking on the link you install only the photo. Wmv stands for windowns media video and does not contain any malicious files. I just recorded the video using the tool and uploaded it directly from my windows explorer. I imagine that other people also had no problem downloading the video, just you.

The video itself downloaded perfectly fine. It ran through the entire video fine (low quality) but fine. It was immediately after the video the issues had started.