My game is apparently crashing for some people?

although i have not seemed to get it to happen (i tried phone and my pc), multiple people apparently crashed trying to play my game after releasing an update. i cant seem to figure out why its happening, i suspected it was something related to my game also taking long to load (my friends also have reported it taking multiple attempts to join the game), i tried disabling scripts and optimizing but i have not been able to get it too load quickly and it tends to freeze on joining server for me most of the time. (though im able to get in)

update: i managed to replicate the problem on an iPhone. I tried opening the game up but then it would exit out Roblox app completely. I attempted to join again but the same thing still occurs. Is this an issue with Roblox or my game?

It may just be too much for the hardware. What iPhone and devices are you/ your friends running the game to play on?

I asked some players that had experienced the crash on the group wall and one was also on an iPhone and the other was on a iPad. I was using an iPhone 11 when replicating the crash. One of my friends that was unable to join the game was also using an iPhone (7, i believe). Other friends managed to join when they were on any other device. So I’m sure its something about iOS devices

I main an iPhone 8, games can kick me off to the home screen and out of the app. I believe this is because of the ram capacity. iPhone 8 and 7 both have only 2 gigabytes of ram. Plus models have an extra gigabyte. Some games just cant run due to the amount of resources, I even encountered low memory errors, but the processor is still decent.

After checking the game out I tested it on iPad, also checked how hard it was running it seems your game is too big for mobile devices(As I crashed). You may consider lag reducer scripts. The reason this most likely happened after your update is, because you added extra stuff which these mobile devices cannot handle. To fix this you could try to revert the update.

Is there any other ways of fixing it without having to revert? I have optimized multiple scripts and significantly dropped memory usage (1000mb In-game, 4000mb studio) but yet the issue was still persisting and I still crashed on the iPhone. I tried to get optimizing scripts but hasn’t done anything really

Unfortunately, the game is still too much to handle. You’ll have to remove a few things. :frowning:

May I ask, remove what exactly?

Parts, models, GUI’s. Remove what you think is less essential/needed but make the game still operable.

Think of it as a Minecraft server.

Do you use free models? I wonder if one of the models are adding stuff to your game without you knowing.

I actually managed to fix it now, i sourced the problem from my rigs with a lot of prop items and AnimSaves.

Speaking about prop items, the only time i use free models is when i want to have props (so i search models that i could use)

alright make they don’t have scripts with viruses