My Game is Black and!

I deleted all my plugins
30 cchars



Here is the game copy that you guys can edit: Polar Cafe bugged - Roblox

It seems like my chat is also black, its probably not the game.

Based off what I’m getting, the computers that are running somewhat well with ok graphic cards (probable by the fps) (I dont have a good pc, let me tell you first that) is having issues with graphics at the moment.

I also couldn’t find a way to replicate this with lighting effects/lighting at all, did negative huge numbers, etc, never worked.

I believe this is a graphical issue, not entirely a game issue.

Game is fine underwater

Indeed its not a game issue, just might be a roblox issue entirely.

This looks like a lighting effect issue, Do the following:
Clear up any possible inteferences:

  • Remove ALL plgins (disable)
  • Remove ALL lighting affects (you may want to place them in a new place file or ServerStorage to keep safe)
  • Restart studio after publishing.
    Figure it out:
  • Playtest, if the issue still persists do the following
  • Playtest, look at all your lighting conditions in game, see if any of the values have been changed or added.
  • If so remove them, you have a backdoor/exploit/hack - whatever you want to call it.
  • Check all your scripts

or use the output for scripts

(30 characteeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrssssss)

(once you run)

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For the 20th time, i removed all my plugins
removed all lighting effects which did nothing
searched all my scripts with keywords that viruses use

As I’ve said above, this is a graphical issue most likely. You may want to try contacting a community sage or someone for help on this issue and to guide you to fixing it. This seems to be an issue that varies between everybody making it significantly more difficult to resolve :thinking:.

Try setting exposurecompensation to 0


Have you tried playtesting and looking to see if any lighting values have been changed or post proccessing effects added, While ingame. NEVERMIND, FIGURED IT OUT: Through testing myself, I can see your fog is the issue:

Fogend 1. How did we not notice?
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Its not 1 for me…
its 1000
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However this didn’t occur for other people, that is a suprise.

@deluc_t Set it to the default (9999)

WAIT i changed the color to something other than black and this happened


now set brightness to like 1 or something