My game is finally out! Come check out my creations!

Hi everybody! I have just finished my game Wait 4 hours to get back in the house I still have a few more stuff to add to the game, but give me lots of feedback, cause I am gonna do whatever I can to make my game great!

Come check out my game here! Wait 4 hours to get in the house - Roblox

Also is it a good for me to add my game to my group? Saliblox Games - Roblox

Also thank you for reading everyone! Have a great day :sunglasses:

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Okay, when I first get in, it says teleport failed because the place was restricted, but there is not really anything to do except wait 4 hours to get into a house.
I think you should add a little more to do when you are waiting.

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First offā€¦ The game is really confusing. When you enter it says ā€œteleport failedā€, and the timer script is really bad, when you reset the timer resets. Also, I see a ton of free models. I suggest if your really passionate about your game you should hire a builder. The game is really boring because, there is nothing to do. Oh, and no one is going to wait four hours in a game. I hope your game is a success, but it will take a lot of work. Good luck! (Edit): In the game a few people were saying that this is copied, or leaked.


Hey I joined your game and wellā€¦ Itā€™s boring as you have to wait 4 hours to get in the house, I have come across some stuff that may be bugs:
1.There is a part of the map where you can clip off the floor and die.
2.When you die the timer restarts.

I wasnā€™t in there for long i just went around the map, feedback:
The building is not so good, I can see a lot of free models and the size of the house isā€¦ Interesting to say the least.
I donā€™t have anything to say really but I have 2 questions:
-What happens after the 4 hours end?
-What are these?

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Ik, im gonna fix that now (30 charsā€¦)

Okay for this I made a game wait outside for 4 hours is this really a copie of this game Wait for 4 hours to leave a room - Roblox No its not

Hello! I would like to say that this game is a nice start, but heres what I have to say, to improve your game.
- What does the player need to do in those 4 hours? I like the concept, but I feel you could create a task/quest, or something for the user to do in 4 hours and create user engagement.
- Theres some things to fix For example, as soon as I enter the map, I got a teleport notification, and fell through the ground.

No offence, but the game is pretty bad.

First off, Iā€™ve seen this kind of idea already, itā€™s nothing new. Secondly, there are some weird floating things all over, such as some wooden parts in the sky and a ladder that looks kind of odd. There are so many free models, and some of them donā€™t work.

Honestly, itā€™s like you rushed the game without any planning.


Also, this could be like a quest game. You would need to make a quest for the players to complete within four hours. Although it could be fake hours. No one is going to wait four real hours just saying. :wink:

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I canā€™t really tell if this is a joke or not, so i wonā€™t really give too much feedback.

I like the idea, but it would be better if there was something to actually do in the 4 hours, like a quest or something.

Also why is there church? Does Jesus pop after the 4 hours and greet you? What is up with the chairs? Why is there a floating sphere at the doors of the church? Is there some sort of secret meaning behind this game, doomsday possibly?

I like the mystery behind it tho, ill give you credits for that. Left a like. Exciting stuff.


Also, I glitched in the house after five minutes of playing. It didnā€™t even look like a house, to be honest. It looked like a church.

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Maybe a few people will

Its not, its something i 3d modeled in blender so I put it on top of the wall.

@BawTheSeal Thanks to you for making us aware of this problem, we just fixed it and it will no longer happen :slight_smile:

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Me and @jordonh23 both died coming off of the ladders, if you could re-collide this area, thatā€™d be great.


I havenā€™t checked the game out yet, but from what Iā€™ve seen from other people, it seems like the game is a rip-off. No offense. Iā€™d recommend adding quests or something for the player to do. Donā€™t copy Nimblzā€™s project. Make a game that is fun for players. Hopefully this helped.

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Okay, where getting to it rn! Thank you for the message :wink:


This game is pretty boring no offense. You have to wait four hours with just a motorcycle just to get into a house that barely has anything in it:

Its simply a bunch of chairs and a sign. I wouldnā€™t wait four hours for it. I do like the music, though.

The timer can easily be bypassed by walking against the side wall and being teleported onto a chair in the house. Additionally, the chairā€™s seats are faced backwards.



No worries, brother! Almost everyone forgets a, well, small bit of the game before releaseā€¦

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The game is fixed so go try it out again.