If your success brings haters, you’re doing something right
like/dislikes, visit counts, followers, everything can be botted… I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Yes, at the beginning a low ratio would look bad, but it’s probably just someone with an NaCl content too high trying to discourage you
Your game isn’t exactly that popular.
I don’t think your game is big enough to be an “enemy”.
Dislike botting costs loads of time and money, which is unlikely that someone will use it on random games.
Maybe your game was featured by roblox even though it might not be good so the players who played it disliked it
i honestly know the game isnt popular at all but the fact that it got that many dislikes on literally 5 minutes its scary (the game visits went up yesterday for the same reason but i closed the game in time)
(the game has 250k+ visits & it went up more than usual for a day of the week)
With all due respect, this is not something you can fight against easily. Your only weapon is improving your game. That’s pretty much your best way of having a hope of getting a higher rating. That’s legitimate dislikes though. You are pretty much incapable of fighting against any botted dislikes. Everyone is, at least as far as I can tell. I’m sorry if that comes off as discouraging.
Here’s the thing: at first the ratio looks pretty strong. An update later (referring to the two screenshots of the ratings), and it looks like the likes decreased while the dislikes increased about the same amount, meaning those same players might’ve encountered something they didn’t like. That doesn’t seem like botting, but that’s just my observations judging by the ratio difference.
Truthfully though, the only thing you should be concerned about is who all is favoriting and following your game. Favorites mean players may come back, and followers are bound to see when your game updates when one is put out. Likes might look really good as first impressions, and they are, but they’re pretty jank and always have been. In my opinion, likes and favorites should be merged together, but this isn’t the place to make that kind of topic.
I see. I didn’t know there was a very short interval between the two shots of the ratings. I’ll be honest, I don’t know why the likes decided to dive while the dislikes rose. Even then, my points still do stand. I know you’re kinda intimidated by amount of dislikes that suddenly dropped from the sky (I would be as well), but in my opinion, you’re better off keeping an eye on the favorites, because that’s a significantly better indicator of who’s actually interested in your game. Seriously, my game has more favorites than likes and dislikes combined. If you do want a better ratio though, again just keep updating and improving your game, because happier players will very much combat any dislikes if they enjoy and like the game.
Something you can do is establish a strong community of players that enjoy the game. It’s unfortunate if your game is being dislike botted, but regardless of the cause of the dislikes, having a strong community to keep your player base active and connected will keep players engaged with your game over a long period of time. My advice here is more so about treating the symptoms of the issue as opposed to treating the root cause, but it should help mitigate the impact. Hope this helps!
Ok, whatever they say, I personally suggest you to keep your game private for at least a week. Then they’ll get bored and leave you alone.
Community members won’t be able to fight bots, so don’t try that. If you get 1 player every minutes, they can legit make 100 bots in the same amount of time if they’re pro coders.
This is Roblox’s problems. All I can say is Roblox MUST fix this soon, do you think the investors will be happy when the 44 million monthly players is composed out of bots? XD
how do you know such things can be bottled? any sources, proof or if you know the method to doing so? there’s nothing that exists publicly to do so currently