My Game is getting downvoted i dont understand why

Here’s my game, is it just the content nature that’s making kids downvote it? or is it something else im just not seeing?


It might as well be jealousy, never forget taht people can dislike your Game even if they like it


yeah lol, its not even the dislikes that bother me, its just going under 75% i hear does no favors for you in the algorithm.

I don’t know if that’s true, but always better not having a noto of dislikes

The description is more of an advertisement

If some bad players had a bad experience (just an example: kept getting beaten by others) some might rage and ask all their friends to join and dislike the game.

It’s not really a problem once many players play and rate your game. Roblox is still full of kids.


People usually dislike games if they get mad or the game is buggy. And I soon as I joined the shop gui popped up which is annoying.


To be honest, I don’t know.
I just played it, got a gun and killed a few people.
I like it because of the combat system and the fact that you can steal absolutely everything.

The game gets boring in around 10 minutes, theres no gameplay except going around and collecting random items while killing everyone. The game just looks like a bunch of free models, especially with this gun kit.

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Me who spent 3 months making a city: :hushed:

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I would suggest hiring someone to create a custom gun kit or atleast change the current one a bit. Add more gameplay, so its not just smash & loot.

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I’m going to reply in case anybody runs into this thread in the future as I did.

It doesn’t matter if you use free models or not. You think Little Timmy cares/knows whether or not a free model is used? No, of course he doesn’t.

What matters is engagement, and whatever other criteria Roblox states is necessary for a popular game.

The dislikes come as the audience of Roblox players are fickle, so you need to do whatever you can to offset the dislikes with likes.

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I played for awhile, running around and looting items.

It didn’t seem to have much more to do than that. I did learn to move away from propane tanks after lighting them on fire! :grinning:

I thought the zombies seemed like an after thought, just something that was thrown in there to shoot at, but I didn’t get any points that I could see from shooting them.

The biggest thing that stood out to me was that I felt a need for a place to call home. Like a crim base or neighborhood where the crims live and I can “show off” all my cool stuff that I have been gathering.

On that, I saw plenty of guns but no cars.

As for the models I thought you did a great job. I liked the building and the layout of the town.

Does player data save? Most of players quit or get angry when they found out that they lost their progress.

Edit: Ack! Sorry for reviving post! I just noticed this was 26 days later.