My game is infected and i cant locate it?

Click on those results and press the “End” key, you will probably notice what’s wrong.

Yes, this is actually happening in all servers. It’s a backdoor for sure. You might have an obfuscated script. Make sure you search for require and getfenv, but go into studio settings and enable hidden scripts, that might help. Here is a screenshot of the error:

( Check dms)

Can you search all scripts for getfenv

where is enable hidden scripts?

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Go to studio settings, and search for show hidden scripts.

Enabling hidden objects won’t help, these are just things that arent needed to be seen by a developer, CoreGui, Services that’s only use is in scripts, etc

E:minor typo

we just deleted the 2 scripts that @NachtHemd highlighted, testing rn, come join!

There does not seem to be a backdoor anymore.

Not true, it also shows scripts from plugins, which could have the backdoor.

Correction, the only thing from Plugins it would show is UI.

Oh, my bad. That’s right. Sorry about that!

As an immediate fix, turn off Third Party Sales in the Security tab of Game Settings. I missed what you stated above, apologies.

Then try working through this guide to completely remove the malicious item from your place:

As a general note, there seems to be a lot of misinformation in this thread. Make sure what you’re posting is factual!


Searching for “script” in the explorer search bar shows you every script/local script/module script currently in the game if im not mistaken. So that may be a good way to see if a plugin inserted a malcious script. Also i recommend not using as many plugins