My game is infected and i cant locate it?

My game: [ Content Deleted ] - Roblox

The issue:
I have searched the game in every single folder and model and there is no infected/virus, no bad script, but somehow whenever anyone plays they are instantly shown a gamepass product that is NOT mine. What can i do about this? We have located the gamepass to a bootleg adopt and raise a baby.

A player experiencing the issue:

There are multiple gamepasses that are being forced upon players, however its smart and doesnt show up for anyone that is ranked in my group. Please help!


Congrats you have a backdoor! How to delete it? Press CTRL + SHIFT + F The most common backdoors use require() So search for “Require, getfenv , setfenv IsStudio Browse for anything out of the ordinary for example a part with a script in it

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To add on to what was previously said, backdoors will usually have multiple copies of themselves hidden in random models in your game. So just because you’ve deleted one, it doesn’t mean the backdoor will be gone.

Once you’ve deleted the backdoor using the method @phantasticsuit mentioned, you should disable ‘‘Allow Third Party Sales’’ for extra security. This will only allow assets created by you to be sold in the game. It can be disabled by going to game settings > security in studio and disabling it.

just searched them and nothing out of the ordinary is showing,

which is so annoying :frowning:

the thing is, because the place is a Mall i cant do that, it has clothing for sale by all different designers!

What plugins do you use? Are you sure that the plugins you own are not 3rd party plugins (published by unknown creators)?

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I just joined your game to get a better idea of your problem and to check the console, and noticed that your game has MUCH more of an issue than just a purchase prompting itself. A decal of shrek is literally copying itself to every part in your game. Oh, and not to mention the extremely loud music blasting in the background.

I recommend that you shutdown your game until you are able to pinpoint the problem otherwise your game will start to gather dislikes pretty quickly.

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thats probably due to an exploiter, is there any way i could get your help with this?

I’m currently looking in your inventory, be right back…

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i just cleared out the ones i dont use so i could send that sc, my inventory is private, im so lost!


try rotatep i heard lots of backdoors come in rotateps

May you try disable all of your plugins (just for test) and test out if it happens again? If not, it means it was a plugin that caused this issue, else, it could be anything else.

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An exploiter can’t perform actions on the server unless they have serversided access (aka a backdoor). So there’s nothing any of us can do unless we can pinpoint the malicious plugin/script.

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So, apparently everyone in this thread is blind.

Notice how the word “require” does not show up. Obviously those are backdoors.

Nice spotting!

I’ve seen a few backdoors like those, good work.

However I can assure you I am not blind.

I’m not quite sure by what you mean by

the word “require” does not show up.

and calling people blind just because they’re helping is not only rude it’s innapropriate behaviour.


ive disabled them all and edited/published the game to test, can you check it out?

can you please elaborate on this?

Backdoors will usually include something along the lines of… [Do not disable] or [Do not remove] in an attempt to reassure people that the script is harmless.