My game is kinda boring, how can I improve it?

I’m working on a game called SWEPT, which is a sweeper game like the one minigame in Epic Minigames. I’m trying to make my game more interesting because it’s not very exciting right now. You could probably tell why, it’s just jumping over a spinner over and over again. I’m thinking about adding special rounds to the game to spice things up, but I can’t think of any good ones. I’ve added some pictures of the first map and lobby of the game, If you have any suggestions or thoughts, I would really appreciate it.


I have a few ideas:

Idea 1: For each win you get 15 coins, is you place second you get 10, and third place gets 5. Use these to customize the tower you’re standing on.

Idea 2: Special rounds! One special round could be no towers and the players are on one big platform that they can walk around on (and maybe push each other off?). Another one can be everybody on one tower.

What do you think?


I think it would be neat to have a way to jump to other players platforms or something, like a bridge tool that cost coins and allows you to make a bridge connecting yours and the player’s platform you clicked on by a bridge, or maybe a special game mode where every single platform is connected, would be fun.

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Ya, this is a much better way to describe what I said here:

Maybe vary the spinner speed. Make the spinner occasionally speed up, slow down or even reverse direction.
Maybe add different spinner modes. If it turns blue, you have to get hit and not jump. If it turns red, jump and don’t get hit. If it turns yellow, then if raises to head height and you need to crouch under. Maybe even double-up spinners such that there are multiple spinner heads to dodge.
Maybe you have a longer platform (from center outwards) made up of tiles, and those tiles may change status so you have to move forwards and backwards in accordance with that.


as it is now, there’s no much to do. it’s pretty basic and there’s no much to add standing for the same idea. why don’t you try to make a minigames experience? you will just need to add more levels and different minigames or maps (like fall guys maybe?) and make a random map row. and you’re done! :slight_smile:

idea: near the end of the round, the platforms start to fall down

idea: add more obstacles and maybe something that allows the players to push each other off