Hey there, I made a game recently called chat to get bigger its been out for about a week or 2 and I have tried loads of ways to get it out there/. However none of them have worked out to well. Is there any way I can without using the new ad manager because of the sheer fact its too expensive. Thanks have a nice day!
Hello I_ButteryMe,
Iâm going to be looking at this game without joining it because people donât seem to want to join the game in the first place. Iâll be listing off some things I think you can improve on that can increase the âclickabilityâ of your game.
This is huge for your game, and I think that you should invest time in watching videos on how to make some nicer thumbnails. This is the first thing that people look at when they see your game. The small thumbnail doesnât really attract me because it doesnât show a Roblox player. Maybe on the left it could say âOne chat:â and show a really small character, and then on the right it can say âTwenty chats:â and have a massive character. -
Gamepasses are HUGE to making profit and keeping players on your game. Looking at your gameâs store, I only see one gamepads for 2x size, but the thumbnail with that doesnât really make any sense. You should make some better thumbnails for those. Moreover, I think that you should also make a premium gamepass (you mentioned it in your gameâs description) and you could give it even more perks than 2x size. Different chat color? Weapons? The list goes on for ideas on how you can make profit for your game. -
Game Description
I think your game description is lacking depth (I canât really explain this, I would just go look at other games similar to yours and see how they design their gameâs front page.
Playability is also very important, but because your game only has 68 views, I think that getting the clicks is the first step.
Keep up the hard work. You will get there!
Sorry, but I got bored within 1 minute of playing.
Iâve looked at your posts, your game, and it really seams like you donât have an idea of what makes a game fun, or why people arenât playing your game. So Iâm going to give my opinion, you can call it useful or not as it is just my opinion but I feel like I have a grasp on a macro level what makes a game âfunâ.
I might come off as a bit harsh but I wouldnt want anyone sugar coating a review for me. Argue back with me if youâd like, Iâm open to responding again about this topic.
These types of games are the worst of roblox. And they only succeed through various means weather it be that the developers already have a big following and can use that to jump-start their game or the gameplay is at minimum slightly engaging.
You may link me other games that have a similar premise and are succeeding but imo you should never try to do what other people are doing unless you think you can do far better/ improve on what they have.
What does doing better entail? More interesting content mostly. Things that people can work towards other than âgetting biggerâ. Pets, locations? Anything. Maybe getting bigger makes big stomping noises on the ground that send people who are 50x smaller than me flying away. Just make it interesting.
This is just spamming chat simulator. And its ALL active gameplay. Atleast in alot of other games you can kinda get away with AFKing a bit. Alot of people know how to use an autoclicker and in some games they can easily automate their progress by auto-clicking. Your game is a chore and MUST be chatted with constantly. And let me tell you it isnât fun.
On a smaller note (and not the reason why your game isnât popular); a lot of the things in this game are half baked. Meaning; it just doesnât feel polished.
The rebirth doesnât really work. Iâm at 2.2x Size and it still takes me 10 chats to make me gain 20 size, where it should have given me 22.
All the UI feels like its slapped together from different games that you found. Im not even sure if youâve coded everything here.
Your shop says 3x Size when the game-pass its linked to says 2x Size.
the 1500 Size Shoppe button is linked to the 1000 Size developer product. and Vice versa the 1000 Size shoppe button is linked to the 1500 size developer product
Youâll have to put in a lot more time before you release a game like this. Game development isnt easy. Many many devs have to make 10 games before they even get one with a TINY amount of players.
Lastly if you donât know if your game is fun or not. If you cant stand playing your game for more than an hour yourself you have no business expecting other people to find it more fun than yourself.
I could really ramble on and on about this but I could go into a ton of topics and this would turn into a more rambling mess. Hey i might not even be right! Could be tomorrow that I eat my words and this game is now a front page hit!
Thanks for your detailed response! Yes I do understand what you mean by it being boring and having no content, and im really greatful that you didnt sugar coat your feedback as it helps me improve my future games! Ill see what I can do
the game is not fun. make it more fun.
quit game developing because youâre clearly only doing it because you thought it would be a get-rich-quick scheme
Jesus Christ calm down. That doesnât help in any way.
the game has no gameplay loop and really no goal for the player, so everyone who joins the game will leave soon after.
in order for a game to grow (go from lower players to higher) the amount of new players that start playing daily have to exceed the amount of players that quit. even if you get as many new players in as possible, it wonât matter how many you get if every player ends up quitting immediately after joining.
you should try making a new game and really think about what you enjoy playing. maybe you can play a few games and, if theyâre fun, ask yourself why theyâre fun. or if theyâre not fun, ask yourself why theyâre not fun. if you do that i think you could eventually make a pretty good game that people will enjoy playing (and thus get a playerbase).
but other than that i wish you luck on your future endeavours.
Thanks for your feedback!
Not only is this game another copy and paste simulator, this game is not fun and unpolished. Imo it doesnât deserve popularity at all⊠would you even play this yourself? Instead of trying to gain popularity with bad games, work on actually making a game people want to spend their time in.
Woah, never saw u active here good sor
This comment is not helpful nor constructive. He clearly cares about the game if he is posting about it here on the forums.