My Game is Not Getting Players

Hey developers,
My new game, Fireball Punching Simulator, is not getting any attention even though I spent thousands of robux to advertise it. Ive noticed that players are joining and leaving within seconds. I’m looking for feedback and suggestions to improve this game.
Is the game just genuinely bad and it’s a flop or do you think it has potential but hasn’t seen the right audience yet?
Game link: [💪RELEASE!] Fireball Punching Simulator - Roblox


So I just played it and I too left within a few minutes.
First off let me start I don’t mean this in an offensive way as I can see you did put effort into this game which is always good.
Okay so I joined and started clicking around and realized this was just another clicking simulator. Clicking on your screen is boring. Then I kept getting killed until I went into the safe zone. You see a lot of games on roblox that get players are usually a unique spin on existing concepts. Original games usually have a much higher chance of succeeding then just another clicking sim. I suggest you try make a game that people know the concept of but make a unique spin on it. Overall the games looks and mechanics aren’t bad. Nice scripting/building job.

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Upon joining the game, this is what I was greeted with:

Do you see the issue?
No? Let me explain, the issue here is my screen is just full of GUIs. This makes the player feel overwhelmed as they are forced to deal with these GUIs.

  • On the right side of the screen are just buttons telling the player to buy stuffs using Robux. This is a great example of a cash grab game. Your game seems to be designed to earn a lot of Robux by not putting in a lot effort to create a relaxing game experience for them.
  • The buttons are also too big in my opinion, blocking certain views of my screen.

Map design:

Just to further prove about players leaving your game instantly, here is my chat log showing all the players that had joined and left immediately:
And this as well.

To put this all simply, your game makes your players feel like you are thirsty for Robux and hence they quit the game instantly upon joining, no offense.

My suggestions:

  • Remove the cash grab features of this game. This is the biggest factor.
  • Resize the GUIs so that it’s not blocking most of my view.
  • Update the game consistently.

Hope this helps.


so ill try my best since iam a qa tester but i think the main issue is im bombarded by ui from like those tycoon games which deterr people from playing. it needs more of a map upgrade to be more appealing the the younger audiance this targets. other than that just mostly make it not a cash grab.

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he summarizes it up to a t.
the map does feel dead it needs more life added to it to attract players when they join.

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My main problem with the game is that 3 out of 4 sides of the screen are taken up by gamepass buttons. This means that if you click too close to the edge of the screen while you’re grinding or fighting, the game will be forcefully paused with a prompt that you have to click through to continue the experience. In general it just makes the screen feel claustrophobic.

Monetization isn’t bad, but I think you should hide these gamepasses behind a “shop” button instead of laying them all over the screen. That will make it more playable, at least for me.

By all the images available in this post I can’t really disagree with the others. The players feel that you just want their robux and they leave.(Also you don’t have a different plot as mentioned above by the others.)

  • The left GUIs make them smaller and probably as a list inside another button.
  • The GUIs on the right add them as a shop like button(to minimize occupied space.)
  • Add your own twist. Players will love a new and excitiing idea.

I hope I helped you and remember not everything goes as planned but if you try you can do it.

Also please remove the “Tags” in your description. Just add more to your well normal description allow me to say it.

Try doing updates = 4 hours (except sleeping) with improvements, new currencies, new stuff, etc…

Is the game icon an ai generated image with astroblox?

Thanks everyone for the suggestions! I agree with all of these and I will implement them.

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