My game is in paid access and the player count is low because it’s in its early stages. The game itself is fun with 10 people but roblox won’t let me even get to 5 right now because it’s starting new servers for no good reason I’m aware that they do this for ping sometimes, but can it be toned down a bit? 8 players on 3 servers feels excessively fragmented.
Immediately after shutting down my game for an update:
(I have loads of these screenshots because it’s so annoying)
I feel like roblox could save money by not running as many servers by fixing this.
Feel privileged to get a server all by yourself
What is your Place ID?
I don’t see this behavior now. Did this happen right after you updated the game (and all existing instances were shut down as the result)?
This happens 99% of the time for my place. Whenever I update I ask a few friends to join me to test it, and we’re all placed in different servers. It’s happened for a while now.
It happens when you have a large influx of players at a time, it starts creating different servers for single persons for some reason. Such as when you shutdown a game and a large amount of players rejoins at once. (presumably because it’s trying to match players based on ping/location, or because it’s not aware of other servers already being started at the same time)
EDIT: actually, not even a large influx. What @jcfc happens also happens to me, even with only 2-3 people joining at the same time. We end up in different servers.
If I’m with a few friends and use TeleportService to teleport us to a placeId with no active servers, we each get our own server
this happens if people try to join the game at the same time. this is not old behavior however, this in fact is relatively new and caused by a recent update.
I’m pretty sure it’s been happening for a long time. I have a screenshot I took from May 2016, but the problem is probably older than that.
yeah, i meant relatively new because of the scale features usually take to be completed. of course several months back is old, but in the scale of a development cycle its pretty new.
This problem is causing a lot of frustation with our player base, and causing issues for developers. Could you give us an update regarding this issue / steps to prevent it ?
Hmm. I’ll ask. As of yet, everything I know about this issue is from this post.
So our servers work to strike a good balance between being physically close to be fast enough for good gameplay and populated enough for good gameplay. It is possible for the calculator to decide gameplay would be so bad for these users that it creates new instances for each involved player, though it should be rare .
So please keep on reporting instances of this in case there is a bug floating around, but hopefully this explanation provides some insight into how this could have occurred naturally. In any case, this issue is being looked into!
The issue seems to be, and has been in my experiences, when numerous players are joining at the same time. I’ve went to test games with friends who I get matchmade with all the time, but get split into different servers. If we all join at the same time, we see fragmentation, but if I join, the others wait a bit, and then join, we’re all in the same server.
By observation it looks like clients try to connect at the same time, ROBLOX sees that there’s no servers available, and creates a server for each one. The issue could be fixed if server join requests were held for a bit (a second or two), ROBLOX noticed that multiple clients were trying to connect, and then consolidated them into a single server if they’re fit to play in a single server. Diagram: