My game is very laggy, and I have no clue why

Sorry if I do this wrong, but I can’t find out what causes my RPG game to be so laggy. I have scripts that put armor on players, spell scripts that are used. I just don’t understand what makes it so gosh darn laggy. The frame drop is incredible even on my god tier PC. I would send code but I just have no Idea whats causing lag. I know it’s extremely tedious but I will send a link to the game. I’m sure some of you will join and immediatly notice things.

Sorry if this is in the wrong category, I barely ever use forums.
Sorry if I did this wrong.

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I took a quick look, and I didn’t specifically endure any lag, whether it means you somehow fixed it or not. If the issue is still present, I would make sure there’s no unnecessary lines of codes/amount of parts in your games. It’s usually the first thing to look to you. If you used any free models, I would most definitely suggest checking them as well.

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I can’t find any lag so far despite using my 2017 potato computer, i even put it on max graphic but the fps stays the same. I think the reason why it appears laggy is that

  • You had too many windows, program open.
  • older potato computer
  • That one app that yeet fps
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disconnect events when you not need

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