My game isn't showing on search results, why?

i’ve made many games before and for the most part they appeared in roblox search results if i searched exatly the same name as they had
but then i decided making a game in a name of a group that i own, since then my games isn’t showing in the search results, why is this happening?



In short, it could be many things. When I put the exact title in quote marks, I think I find it:

On a larger note, it seems any game on Roblox can have a bug with Search & Discovery. It doesn’t look like you can do anything about it other than reporting it, hoping Roblox staff sees it and diagnoses your game ranking and whatnot. It could be a bug with your game, Roblox as a whole, or not even a bug at all.

I have an assumption that any title with non letters and non numbers are put down in search. Example: '!@#$%^&*

For example, my game PB & Jay is probably harder to search for than if I switched it to PB and Jay. I think the shorter title looks better for marketing, but I digress. I have no evidence for this, but I have a hunch. I could be right, but we won’t know until/if staff makes a response. Going through every game manually that gets bug reported isn’t a great process, but I’m not sure what else to suggest as a developer.


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