Hi, I was play testing my game and all of a sudden the game has lag spikes every 1.5 - 2 seconds. How can you tell which script is causing the lag? I am thinking the lag is coming from a loop with a heavy function inside it but I don’t know because it did not lag a few minutes ago. Please help, Thank you
If the script is on the server side, check it manually. If it is on the client side, use script performance. Also you can lookup keywords in Find All/Replace All.
Did you recently place any free models into your game? You may have a virus script in there somewhere.
I don’t know if the lag was caused because of that. As I said, the lag just suddenly happened where it was fine a few minutes ago. Here is the lag spike:
No free models were placed. (30 chhhhaaarr)
In that case, go into the view tab and click on script performance. If there is a script over 3% activity then there may be a problem in that script.
oh yes, I found one, it is a local script that runs all the modules
It is quite likely that there is a module in there that could be looping constantly. I actually had this exact problem a few days ago, I had a while loop that never ended.
Is it possible to check performance of each module? or do I have to manually check all of them. It may not even be a loop and could be some other factor of the module
Ok now no scripts have over 3% activity but there is still lag! Please help
This is happening to me, even with a fresh Studio game.
same, i dont know why
But it got fixed for me after 2 minutes of straight lagging
I fixed it:
It was caused by two plugins I had, both by the same creator:
Auto Anchor and Developer Tools.