My game keeps kicking me out

Try checking the scripts, check if there was a error or a game kicking script. Try writing good things on your scripts or by finding what in the server script service.

seem like it’s you, and not the game.

Just wait 5 minutes and see what happends.

I just join in 1 time but I sucsesfully joined the game

Just wait 5 minutes and see what will happen.

try to delete that weather ui, and any other scripts in the studio. also it just crash for me!

I ever get that error in game named “super doomspire” With the same error code.

I got a new screen that showed up!

Yeah, maybe it’s to heavy? When the game is loading, the game lagging until it loadded

Yeah maybe the weather needs to be reuploaded!

it seem like it work fine again, after every min!

AHH!! The game is sucseefully loaded but it lags!

The reason why you it disconect was it too heavy.
You need a greater GPU, CPU or wifi to do that.

Try having a greater GPU and CPU too

The reason why my phone loads was my GPU, CPU and wifi inprovements.

The greater GPU and CPU you have, the device will able to avoid lagging.

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Okay thank you for the help on my game!

Well I already have great Wifi in my house.

Please ignore everyone in this thread saying it is a virus. A :Kick() message would say “You were kicked from this game”. A small search shows that ID 17 is a connection error, NOT a virus.

Some scripts doesn’t look weird so it can bust into your game with tricky injection

Try checking every script to see if one of them were Modified or being added for automatically

I got this :
Try search for script named Broke Script, Ban Script, Destroy Game Script, Script Or Something, Disconnect script.

Sometimes, HD admin was a Virus.

There are other ways to crash a client without directly kicking them. Player:Destroy() would kick a player.