My game name won't change?

I’m trying to change the name of my game but it only shows when you go down to the bottom of the description and click the “Translate to original language” button.
Any help on how to avoid this is appreciated.

Can you send a video, please? I need more informations

Damn thats really awkward im ngl to you

Basically, if I change the title of my game (configure place, etc.) and then I save, the button shown appears at the bottom of the description which switches between the two titles, I fixed it by going back and forth multiple times changing it but that is a bit annoying to do.

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I think you set the language setting in your Roblox setting account. That setting will translate everything into that language…

im having this issue for void fishing

Just give it a few minutes and it ends up normal, at least that’s how it worked out for me.