I have been working on a new game very slowly over the course of 8 months or so, and recently have completed the soundtrack for it. I am pleased on how it turned out, so if you are interested please listen to some of it
The track listings and times are in the description and my personal favourites are Sports Shop, Lobby Game and Casually Serious.
Out of curiosity, how much time have you spent in total making the soundtrack for your game? How much background do you have in Cubase 8? (Being really fluent in it would speed the process up to be faster than it would be for someone with not so much of a background)
It took me around 1 or 2 hours for each soundtrack, and I have been using it here and there for a few years now (I have it at my school) but when I picked it up relatively quickly. It’s quite easy to learn the basics, and they have their own somewhat active forums too (steinberg.net) although I didn’t need to use it.