This problem mostly occurs with group games, profile games don’t have this problem
My game has a 60K visits and a lot of ratings, and still doesn’t show up when almost all games with that keyword have way less visits
I tried putting thumbnails and everything but nothing works, I have made another topic like this but it seems like roblox doesn’t really care, I just wanna know how I can fix it
I think the tags in my description was the reasoning for my game getting “shadow banned” Not sure if that’s the official term but it’s basically when your game never pops up in any search results.
He’s allowed to make a game to earn profit, and its not up to you to choose if he can do ads on it or not. Although yes the “Jenna” trend is cringe, its easily profitable so, why not.
And to answer your question @qChronos , maybe try without the brackets and try the following:
I appreciate the tag; However, in this situation, I believe I have another answer.
Roblox will not (no exceptions) promote a “Jenna” game. They’re banning groups that have the name “Jenna” in it, terminating accounts that promote it, etc.
I’m honestly very surprised @qChronos’ game is still up at this point.
I have no idea how “Jenna” games break Roblox’s ToS. Maybe copyright, maybe for “harassment”, maybe it’s just some Jenna-hating administrators.
Beside that, @qChronos’ game has a pretty bad ratio. He’s underneath the 50% like mark, which can impact a game’s search results.
The whole Jenna trend is absurdly popular, and many developers are making these types of games. It’s not unlikely that his game is unknown because of the fact that there are many copies out there.
Might I recommend not making games off of popular trends? Other people will just copy, making it nearly impossible to be that one game that hits the front page.
The search engine can be pretty tricky at times, but if you play your cards right, you can make your game pretty popular; but, like I stated previously, games based off of trends have a much lower chance of getting popular than an original idea.
“Alot of ratings” - you have 52 likes and 79 dislikes at the time of writing this, that’s not going to help you.
Also, “Roblox doesn’t care” - why would they want this jenna thing getting any more traction?
Also this is not true, they aren’t banning anyone that makes these games , there’s a game with 150 players average with a jenna thumbnail about voice chat