As the title reads, my game was stolen (almost) 1:1
This includes, the thumbnail, icon and the map itself with a few tweaks to the colour.
It has managed to gain 420K+ visits since it was created a month or so ago and mine has 2.1M which was created almost 4 years ago. (huh?)
To clarify, I am the sole owner of the game and nobody has ever had access to studio, I am 99.9% certain this was stolen using saveinstance(), the game they stole has some differences, such as the lighting and the GUIs, this is most likely they stole the game before Hyperion was rolled out, since I had updated a few of the GUIs and the lighting in my game after Hyperion was rolled out, 0.01% being the fact a few models are from the toolbox and they could’ve definitely recreated it, but I digress.
Obviously the first instinct would be to DMCA, but I am not so educated on the whole process, I’ve heard they can counter-claim and then they have access to your information, which is something I definitely don’t want.
If you want to check the games out yourself, please turn your volume down to 1% as the game allows anyone to play whatever you want.
I’m not really educated on this. Yeah im not sure. Maybe you should consult someone. I’m not gonna say (maybe Roblox support?) cuz I wouldn’t know what to do in your situation too.
It looks to me like both games are just taken from the toolbox? I mean the boomboxes are toolbox, trees I believe are toolbox, and borders are just parts copied and pasted. What is there really to steal?
I see what you’re making a point about. But the game that is copying legit just ripped the thumbnail AND the uhh other one (forgot what it was called lol).
Also, why would the owner (the OP) be banned from their game for what seems like no reason?
I sympathise this any larger figure on Roblox that has to deal with even more stupid replies
I’ll probably brush it off if Roblox sends another stupid message and ignores my issue, I don’t have the patience to deal with what appears to be actual robots
I am not a lawyer but you could probably try to DMCA strike it (if you havent) if the game is completely stolen from you but I wouldn’t really worry about it if you aren’t worried about making a profit from that game