My game, Gauntlet Royale, has been stolen but not in a way you would think. The stolen game goes under the same name, description, icon, and everything, but playing the game will just be an infiinite loading screen. I quit playing in fear of it being a “crosswoods” game, so I couldnt really do anything.
It also appears that the uploader had unloaded other users games. All having the same infinite loading screen. What should I do?
Sorry I’m on mobile, Im away from my pc and really need to take action on this, so Im on my phone.
I have seen the games exactly as described (random games copied with infinite loading screens) on accounts such as follow bots and scam accounts, I assume it’s to seem less suspicious to moderators and others… You could try a support ticket with proof that the game is yours.
Good idea, except it isnt necessarily stolen, they just took the branding and made it into some loading screen, I dont know if i can still file a takedown