My gamepass (gravity coil) is in the players backpack but simply doesn't work

Hello, I’m a very, very new developer and I’ve tried so many things to fix this, but nothing helps. I’ve set up a gamepass for a Gravity Coil, and I buy it, it goes into the players backpack, but it just doesn’t work. It doesn’t make them jump higher. However, when I put the tool into the starter pack, it works just fine.

Here’s the script:
local MarketPlaceService = game:GetService(“MarketplaceService”)

local GamepassId = 20466826
local Tool = script.GravityCoil

if MarketPlaceService:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(Player.UserId, GamepassId) then
local ToolClone = Tool:Clone()
ToolClone.Parent = Player.Backpack

Can any scripters please let me know what the issue is? I’m sorry for acting so dumb, but I just have no idea what I’m doing wrong.

If gravity coil doesn’t work then send us gravity coil script

I doubt it is the game pass script causing this, but possibly more how it is being moved in to the player and what state the scripts are in before it is cloned and where it was stored. I normally store my Tools in ServerStorage and clone them from there.

It is a issue with the gravity coil, try sending the gravity coil script here or using a different model or cloning method.