i’m going to blur this. i warn you, this is SERIOUS.
i am sorry if you had the displeasure of unblurring that image. it hurt me too.
my game is about climbing up a ton of parts! the issue is it’s a big game. with lots of parts. 66,666 parts, actually.
i want to keep as MANY parts as possible for the best user experience while also optimising so you don’t get… THAT
here is a comparison of StreamingTargetRadius 800 vs 100:
yeah, not much of a difference
-- dramatically oversimplified for viewing pleasure
while task.wait(1)
-- check if user has over 100,000 distance and award badge (zero checks on whether they already have it or not)
while task.wait(0.1) do
-- monitor differences between old and new position
local dist = (new_position - old_position)
local new_y = math.clamp(dist.Y, 0, math.huge)
dist = Vector3.new(dist.X, new_y, dist.Z)
i looked at this post and followed it, but it didn’t really help.
extra context
every part is anchored
it goes in a random position between -800 and 800 (x, y, z)
it has a random size between 1 and 30 (x, y, z)
if the part is below Y 0 it is a spawn point and gets a spawn location decal
it has a random material (i removed this, nothing much changed)
the script is split up into 1,250 chunks in order to prevent crashing
-- PARTS_TO_GENERATE is 66,666
for i = 1, 1250 do
for i = 1, PARTS_TO_GENERATE / 1250 do
any help would be seriously appreciated. please. i need help. please.