"My Games" - Searching Experiences only matches words and not characters. If you have ABC and search for A, you won't get it as a search result


I wanted to report this longer ago, but I kept forgetting.

I have a test Experience named like so:


I type in “data”

No Results.


It looks like the searching feature in “My Games” only matches words and not chained characters.

A word in this case would be a string until its end or separation with something like a SPACE character

It is not working like pure string.find would, or maybe something else is ruining it, but the point is that If I look for “Word” and I have an experience named “WordForWord”, aslong it’s not named “Word ForWord” (see now there’s 2 “words” “Word” and “ForWord”), I don’t think it will make it show as a search result.

Please note I put a non-breaking space in my above phrase so that it shows it all in one line on the forum… Nevermind it didn’t work so…

Re-production Steps

To have it in sync with my case, you can name the test experience data_store_test_1 as well.

  1. Create an Experience or simulation of mock data, and make sure that it is a full connected “string”, like “abcdefg” or “abc_123” and try to search for it. As example: data_test

  2. In the search bar at the top right, type in “data”

  1. Observe

Expected Result

The experience is named data_store_test_1 and I typed in data. I expected it to use something like string.find and show me a search result, since I have an experience that does contain the word data.

Actual Result

No results. It seems to have issues if a word that you typed into the search bar is connected with strings e.g. “data_test” it’s a string without space, so it’s taken as a full word.


Thanks for the report! I filed a ticket in our internal database.

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