My goodbye to Roblox


This is for four people out there who bother to check my Roblox/DevForums profile or who care about my absence on this site(thx u).

For the past 6 months, I didn’t play Roblox much anymore because a lot of things have changed in Roblox, the community, and myself.

Roblox has changed a lot in the past few years: Audio update, good events have been replaced by advertising events that are so bad, etc, etc. Their mind has changed, they have become bigger, richer, and they have become mainstream. Now, Roblox has been widely known as a game that children play a lot, that game where there are a lot of copycats of popular games. And they become a corp, and like your average corp, they always want more and more money. Roblox now focusing more on advertising products, exploiting young children for money, and slowly turning it into a “game-social media” just like Metaverse by Facebook. They stop focusing on the player base which led to their success in the first place. When I started playing in 2018, it was widely different, Roblox still has its soul somewhat, and there are still easter eggs, bloxy award, and fun community events, I was even hyped for the bloxy award 2019, it was fun back then. Now it’s just stupid advertising events for big brands.

The Roblox community has also changed a lot, much more than Roblox themselves, in fact. I’ve never been so sad seeing this community fall apart. There’s Rthot, port, online dating, scamming, ““free robux””, crime, exploit, poor moderation, toxicity, … . Low-quality games all over the place, I haven’t played any games on the front page since 2020, some games with 5k+ only look good on the name and the thumbnail, when you get into the game itself it was poor, lazily made, and monetized to death with stupid game pass, forcefully pay2win in other to compete with anyone and then use bots to boost it up, to trick children. Meanwhile, games with actual soul and passion made with love by talented people are being ignored, if not then ruined by cheaters or by Roblox. I stopped developing my game because of this.

As for myself, I’ve gotten into high school, and have thought a lot more wisely, for the better I hope. Now I already have my favorite game outside of Roblox, enjoy their truly great effort into it. Learned developing games on Unity, and Godot and now only want the motivation to make a game of my own. Move on with my life, yet still look back on the happy memories I have with my friends, who I will never see in real life.

When I have a new PC, I probably never play this game again but for now, I still play on and off on a handful of good games.

Thank you and goodbye, Roblox.

Thank my good friends: Dipnap @kengiong2345, SWIFT_INFINITE(Cync) @CynicallySwift, Aqif @Aqiflolololo, Windy @bambamlool, desentaro @Jacksepticeye59634, Noobmastery_123, Br1ckz_22, piaowenbin, FINAL_F0RM, etuKpiV(for being my alt) and others.

And thank you for reading all of this. <3